2019 年 6 月 24–26 日

To view the English version of this schedule please go here.

Simultaneous translation will be provided for all keynote and breakout sessions.

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avatar for Benjamin Huo

Benjamin Huo

QingCloud Technologies Corp.
Lead of KubeSphere Observability Team
Beijing, China
Benjamin Huo is the Lead of KubeSphere Observability Team who is responsible for the design, architecture and development of KubeSphere Observability products including monitoring, alerting, logging, events and auditing. He has tremendous interests in Kubernetes and cloud native technologies like K8s, Fluentd/Fluent Bit, Prometheus, Thanos, Loki, Envoy. He is the maintainer of the kube-prometheus project and is also contributor of prometheus-operator, kube-state-metrics, kubernetes-mixin, loki and falco.